
(Git更新:([ cd60c5c]) Various code update. (#154))
(Git更新:([ 382f0d5]) chore: change urls)
第4行: 第4行:
* @base <>
* @base <>
* @source <>
* @source <>

2023年10月15日 (日) 18:46的最新版本

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
 * _addText: '{{Gadget Header|license=CC-BY-SA-4.0}}'
 * @base <>
 * @source <>
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
 * |         === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===            |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
 * |      All changes should be made in the repository,     |
 * |              otherwise they will be lost.              |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
 * |      Changes to this page may affect many users.       |
 * |  Please discuss changes at talk page before editing.   |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
/* <nowiki> */
.mw-indicator-geolocation {
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	padding: 0 0.5em;
	border: 1px solid #ddd;
	border-radius: 0.5em;
	margin: 0 0.5em;
	white-space: nowrap;

.mw-geolocation-blue {
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	color: #36c;

.mw-geolocation-green {
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	color: #00af89;

.mw-geolocation-orange {
	border-color: #a60;
	color: #a60;

.mw-geolocation-icon {
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.mw-geolocation-icon::before {
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	content: '';
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.mw-geolocation-icon-globe::before {
	 * @description globe Icon from OOjs UI
	 * @base <>
	 * @license MIT <>
	background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='20' height='20'%3E%3Cpath fill='%2314866d' d='M12.2 17.94c1.26-2 2-4.45 2.14-7.06h3.86a8.26 8.26 0 01-6 7.06M1.8 10.88h3.86c.14 2.6.88 5.06 2.14 7.06a8.26 8.26 0 01-6-7.06m6-8.82c-1.26 2-2 4.45-2.14 7.07H1.8a8.26 8.26 0 016-7.07m4.79 8.82A12.5 12.5 0 0110 18a12.51 12.51 0 01-2.59-7.13zM7.4 9.13A12.51 12.51 0 0110 1.99a12.5 12.5 0 012.59 7.14zm10.8 0h-3.87a14.79 14.79 0 00-2.14-7.07 8.26 8.26 0 016 7.07M10 0a10 10 0 100 20 10 10 0 000-20'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

.mw-geolocation-icon-helpNotice::before {
	 * @description helpNotice Icon (ltr) from OOjs UI
	 * @base <>
	 * @license MIT <>
	background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='20' height='20'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23a60' d='M10 0a10 10 0 1010 10A10 10 0 0010 0zm1 16H9v-2h2zm2.71-7.6a2.64 2.64 0 01-.33.74 3.16 3.16 0 01-.48.55l-.54.48c-.21.18-.41.35-.58.52a2.54 2.54 0 00-.47.56A2.3 2.3 0 0011 12a3.79 3.79 0 00-.11 1H9.08a8.9 8.9 0 01.07-1.25 3.28 3.28 0 01.25-.9 2.79 2.79 0 01.41-.67 4 4 0 01.58-.58c.17-.16.34-.3.51-.44a3 3 0 00.43-.44 1.83 1.83 0 00.3-.55 2 2 0 00.11-.72 2.06 2.06 0 00-.17-.86 1.71 1.71 0 00-1-.9 1.7 1.7 0 00-.5-.1 1.77 1.77 0 00-1.53.68 3 3 0 00-.5 1.82H6.16a4.74 4.74 0 01.28-1.68 3.56 3.56 0 01.8-1.29 3.88 3.88 0 011.28-.83A4.59 4.59 0 0110.18 4a4.44 4.44 0 011.44.23 3.51 3.51 0 011.15.65 3.08 3.08 0 01.78 1.06 3.54 3.54 0 01.29 1.45 3.39 3.39 0 01-.13 1.01z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

.mw-geolocation-icon-settings::before {
	 * @description settings Icon (ltr) from OOjs UI
	 * @base <>
	 * @license MIT <>
	background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' width='20' height='20' fill='%2336c'%3E%3Cg transform='translate(10 10)'%3E%3Cpath id='a' d='M1.5-10h-3l-1 6.5h5m0 7h-5l1 6.5h3'/%3E%3Cuse xlink:href='%23a' transform='rotate(45)'/%3E%3Cuse xlink:href='%23a' transform='rotate(90)'/%3E%3Cuse xlink:href='%23a' transform='rotate(135)'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M10 2.5a7.5 7.5 0 000 15 7.5 7.5 0 000-15v4a3.5 3.5 0 010 7 3.5 3.5 0 010-7'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

.mw-geolocation-icon-userAvatar::before {
	 * @description userAvatar Icon (ltr) from OOjs UI
	 * @base <>
	 * @license MIT <>
	background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='20' height='20' fill='%2336c'%3E%3Cpath d='M10 11c-5.92 0-8 3-8 5v3h16v-3c0-2-2.08-5-8-5z'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='10' cy='5.5' r='4.5'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");

.mw-geolocation-text {
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/* </nowiki> */