
Github-bot留言 | 贡献2023年9月5日 (二) 21:38的版本 (Git更新:([ ab928a7]) fix: replace unused variables; add CSS * Morebits.pageNameNorm => mw.config.get('wgTitle') * add line-height to form.quickform)
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 * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
 * _addText: '{{Twinkle Header}}'
 * @base <>
 * @source <>
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
 * |         === WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE ===            |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
 * |      All changes should be made in the repository,     |
 * |              otherwise they will be lost.              |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
 * |      Changes to this page may affect many users.       |
 * |  Please discuss changes at talk page before editing.   |
 * +--------------------------------------------------------+
/* <nowiki> */
/* Twinkle.js - morebits.css */

 * morebits.css
 * ===========
 * Styles to support morebits.js.
 * The morebits library is maintained by the maintainers of Twinkle.
 * For queries, suggestions, help, etc., head to [[H:TW]].

/* Morebits.status */

.morebits_status_status {
	color: #4682b4;

.morebits_status_info {
	color: #228b22;

.morebits_status_warn {
	color: #ff4500;

.morebits_status_error {
	color: #ff4500;
	font-weight: bold;

/* Morebits.quickForm */

form.quickform {
	width: 96%;
	padding: 0.5em;
	margin: auto;
	line-height: 1.5;
	vertical-align: middle;

form.quickform * {
	font-family: sans-serif;

form.quickform fieldset {
	margin: 0.4em 0 1em;

form.quickform legend {
	color: #31628f;
	font-weight: bold;

form.quickform input[type='text'],
form.quickform select {
	min-width: 15em;
	font-size: 110%;

form.quickform select {
	border: 1px solid #808080;
	margin-left: 0.2em;

form.quickform input[type='checkbox'],
form.quickform input[type='radio'] {
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	padding: 0;
	margin-top: 2px;
	margin-right: 2px;
	margin-bottom: 2px;
	vertical-align: top;

form.quickform div {
	line-height: 18px;

form.quickform h5 {
	padding: 0.3em 0.2em 0.2em;
	margin: 0.5em 0 0;
	font-size: 108%; /* 100% is 12px → 108% is 12.96px */

/* only give the top border to headers with something above them */
form.quickform div + h5,
form.quickform div + div > h5,
form.quickform h5 + h5 {
	border-top: 1px solid #88a;

form.quickform textarea {
	width: 100%;
	height: 4em;
	font-size: 150%;

form.quickform input:disabled + label {
	color: #808080;

/* no italic for quickformDescription */

form.quickform .quickformSubgroup {
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
	margin-left: 3em;

/* The tooltip button and the content itself */
form.quickform .morebits-tooltipButton {
	padding: 0.3em;
	color: #0000cd;
	cursor: help;
	font-weight: bold;

.morebits-ui-tooltip {
	padding: 4px 6px;
	font-size: 1em;

/* Scrollbox styles, for use within Morebits.simpleWindow */

div.morebits-scrollbox {
	overflow: auto;
	max-height: 20em;
	padding: 6px 6px 0;
	border: 1px solid #808080;
	margin-top: 0.6em;
	margin-bottom: 0.6em;
	background: #fff;

div.morebits-scrollbox > h5:first-child {
	padding-top: 0;
	border: 0;
	margin-top: 0;

div.morebits-scrollbox > :last-child {
	margin-bottom: 6px;

/* Previewbox */

div.morebits-previewbox {
	padding: 0.2em 0.4em;
	border: 2px inset;
	margin: 0.4em auto 0.2em;
	background: #fff;
	color: #000;

div.morebits-previewbox *:not(img) {
	vertical-align: baseline;

div.morebits-previewbox .mw-editsection {
	display: none;

div.morebits-usertext {
	padding: 5px;
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	background-color: #f8f9fa;
	font-size: 95%;

/* Morebits.simpleWindow */

.morebits-dialog {
	border: 1px #666 solid;
	background-color: #f0f8ff;
	background-image: none;
	font-family: sans-serif;

/* px translations in comments are w.r.t standard browser settings,
   in other settings, the sizes would be scaled accordingly */
.skin-vector .morebits-dialog {
	font-size: 75%; /* 100% is 16px → 75% is 12px */

.skin-gongbi .morebits-dialog {
	font-size: 79%; /* 100% is 15.2px → 79% is 12.008px */

body .ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar {
	overflow: hidden;
	height: 1em;
	padding: 0.4em 0.3em 0.5em !important;
	background-color: #bccadf !important;
	background-image: none !important;
	font: bold 108% sans-serif; /* 100% is 12px (from above) → 108% is 12.96px */
	white-space: nowrap;

.morebits-dialog-scriptname {
	font-weight: normal;

.ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close {
	top: auto;
	right: 0;
	width: 2em;
	height: 100%;
	margin: -0.5em -0.15em 0;

.ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close span {
	margin: 0.33em;

.ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .morebits-dialog-content {
	padding: 0;

body .ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane {
	min-height: 0.5em;
	padding-left: 1.2em !important;
	margin: 0;
	background-color: #bccadf;

body .ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button {
	margin: 0.2em 0 -0.1em;
	cursor: auto;
	float: none;

.morebits-dialog-buttons {
	font-size: 108%; /* 100% is 12px → 108% is 12.96px */

.morebits-dialog-footerlinks {
	margin: 0.7em 0.4em 0 0;
	float: right;
	font-size: 97%; /* 100% is 12px (from above) → 97% is 11.64px */

body .ui-dialog.morebits-dialog .morebits-dialog-footerlinks a {
	color: #3062ad;

.morebits-dialog-buttons[data-empty] + .morebits-dialog-footerlinks {
	margin: 0.1em 0.4em -0.2em 0;

.ui-icon {
	vertical-align: -3px;

.ui-icon-inline {
	display: inline-block;

/* For styling message/warning boxes. Cannot use MediaWiki ombox class because it will be deprecated soon. */
table.morebits-ombox {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	margin: 4px 10%;
	background: #f8f9fa;
	border-collapse: collapse;

table.morebits-ombox-content {
	border: 1px solid #f28500;

td.morebits-mbox-image {
	padding: 2px 0 2px 0.9em;
	border: 0;
	text-align: center;

td.morebits-mbox-text {
	width: 100%;
	padding: 0.25em 0.9em;
	border: 0;

/* </nowiki> */